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First to finish

Compare algorithms designed to complete the same task, and evaluate each for efficiency.


Anti-bullying AI

Sometimes we write and post things on social media in a hurry. Such posts can hurt people and even make them feel bullied. Wouldn't it be great if an Artificial Intelligence application could check our posts as we write them, and warn us if they were potentially hurtful?


Act it out

Students revise and extend the recall of 10x. They describe and continue patterns created from multiplication, and solve multiplication and division problems.


digIT Games workbook

This lesson will help students develop a basic understanding of computer programming structures by using block language Scratch. It will also introduce student to using Python with the Makey Makey electronic input device to create a game controller.


Have fun with flowcharts

Create a flowchart to represent a sequence of (branching) steps and decisions needed to solve a mathematical problem.


Skip-counting with Bee-bots

Play a skip counting game where students program the Bee-Bot to stop at multiples of a set number, eg 2, 4, 5, 10 on a number grid.


Heads or tails

In this lesson we show how to transition from a visual based programming language to using a text-based programming language using the example of a heads or tails coin toss application.


Computer Science Fundamentals

This curriculum provides a teacher guidebook for implementing lessons, with learning and teaching activities, content, printable worksheets and some assessment lessons.


Storm survivor: Input, decision-making and loops

Students use a visual programming language to create a game or quiz to help members of a community prepare for a severe weather event.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Javascript - Space Invaders

In this coding challenge, students learn about programming in JavaScript, including data representation, decomposition, design, branching, iteration, functions, variables, animations, tracing and evaluation.


Off to the movies

This is a simple Boolean (true/false) application where its asks the user’s age - if you are over 15 then you can watch G and M rated movies - if you are under 15, then you can only watch G rated movies. This lesson was designed in collaboration with Jason Vearing QSITE (Gold Coast Chapter).


Getting warmer

This lesson sequence intentionally uses a visual based programming tool to introduce designing and validating algorithms. Those students who complete this task can move to code the result in any text based language with which they are familiar.


Bee-Bot ruler

Explore the concept of sequencing steps, using Bee-Bots to measure length.


Algorithms: Year 7 – planning tool

This planning resource for Year 7 is for the topic of Algorithms. Students are introduced to the use of algorithms for sorting and classifying. They can use flow charts to do this. Algorithmic thinking is a design process and flow charts are used to show a sequence of steps and/or instructions and require decision making ...


Home automation programming (yrs 5-6)

Investigate home automation systems, including those powered by artificial intelligence (AI) with speech recognition capability. These suggested activities provide a level of differentiation to cater for students’ range of programming skills. They were developed in collaboration with the Digital Technologies Institute.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Biology

Learn about the differences between animals, and how biologists use programming to help them do science! We'll learn about the features of animals, and how to use their differences in order to classify them. So hop in and learn some science!


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Sport Micro:Bit

Use Python to program a micro:bit for sport! Get excited about coding even if you have no experience. You'll use the Python language to write your own programs, and make interactive games and tools to improve your health.


Scratch Creative Computing Guide

There is also a series of units comprising learning activities, paired with assessment activities and templates that can be used to support use of the Scratch (MIT) platform. The Scratch Creative Computing Guide supports assessment activities with visual programming environments.


The wizard of Ozo

Using OzoBots students move an Ozobot about a map with coordinates. This lesson idea was created by Ben Jucius.


Learning to loop

Students create algorithms with a condition that tells the computer to repeat a sequence of instructions.